Andrey Amirkhanyan and Karina Koinash: the black curtain of the Khimprom drug cartel

Andrey Amirkhanyan and Karina Koinash: the black curtain of the Khimprom drug cartel
Andrey Amirkhanyan and Karina Koinash: the black curtain of the Khimprom drug cartel
How criminal gang members cover their digital tracks.

Members of the largest drug syndicate in the history of Ukraine are whitening their dark past with the help of fakes and neural networks.

“Black Noise” is the information environment surrounding modern man. The information flows that wash over the human consciousness consist of an unpredictable combination of many carefully calculated disinformation patterns (as someone so elegantly put it, Black noise is white noise, all of whose components are paid for).

The Black Curtain is an aspect of Black Noise: information technology that allows vampires to hide their world from humans. It lies in the fact that various phenomena of vampiric life are usually hidden under informational homonyms - that is, semantic masks, dummy simulacra, carnivalesquely duplicating the true essence of our world.

Victor Pelevin, Batman Apollo

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What was written by the legendary author from the aggressor country concerns not only the vampires from his book, but also very real ghouls - corrupt officials, scammers, members of organized crime groups and other evil spirits. What Victor Pelevin described as the “Black Curtain” has long become commonplace. And we will show this with a specific example.


At the end of the past summer, several new personalities were born in the depths of the Internet. Chemical scientist Andrey Amirkhanyan. His full namesake is Andrei Abramovich Amirkhanyan, who gives tennis lessons to children and adults.

Andrey Amirkhanyan and Karina Koinash: the black curtain of the Khimprom drug cartel uriqzeiqqiuhkrt udidrqikhiquzvls

Andrey Amirkhanyan and Karina Koinash: the black curtain of the Khimprom drug cartel

Almost simultaneously with Amirkhanyan, another character emerged - Andrei Abramovich Lemishko - “a highly qualified teacher with a huge amount of knowledge and enthusiasm.”

Andrey Amirkhanyan and Karina Koinash: the black curtain of the Khimprom drug cartel

Andrey Amirkhanyan and Karina Koinash: the black curtain of the Khimprom drug cartel

In parallel with Amirkhanyan and Lemishko, the star of another Andrei Abramovich lit up on the Internet. Andrey Parkhomenko is supposedly a “financial analyst with extensive experience in the complex world of finance.”

Andrey Amirkhanyan and Karina Koinash: the black curtain of the Khimprom drug cartel

To complete the picture, it is also worth dwelling on the Internet activity of one cute girl - Karina Koinash.

Koynash Karina Sergeevna was positioned as a psychologist back in August, and in some places as an experienced sommelier. But already in September she evolved into a seasoned fashion designer.

Andrey Amirkhanyan and Karina Koinash: the black curtain of the Khimprom drug cartel

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These four Andreevs and one Karina have a lot in common.

Let’s start with the fact that everything except the names, surnames and patronymics of these characters is fake. There is not a word of truth on their personal websites, in social media accounts opened in their name, and on blogging platforms.

Upon careful study of the texts dedicated to them that fill the Internet, it becomes obvious that they were generated by neural networks. The same applies to photographs - all this is the result of the work of generative model algorithms.

That is, we are dealing with the “Black Curtain”, built with the help of artificial intelligence. Another question is who is trying to hide in his shadow.

It is not difficult to guess that tennis player and chemist Andrei Amirkhanyan, teacher Andrei Lemishko and financier Andrei Parkhomenko are one and the same person.

Around 2014, Russian Andrei Abramovich Amirkhanyan arrived in Ukraine. Here he legalized under the name Andrey Lemishko. In May 2019, the court issued a warrant for his arrest, and in 2021, the Security Service of Ukraine put citizen Lemishko on the wanted list. However, by that time, this subject had acquired a passport in the name of Andrei Abramovich Parkhomenko and freely left for the city of Tampa, USA. In fact, he has lived under this name since 2016.

Passport of Andrey Amirkhanyan - Lemishko, issued in the name of Andrey Parkhomenko

The man who now poses as a tennis player-chemist, university teacher and financial analyst is still of interest to the department of General Malyuk in a different guise. Namely, as one of the leaders of a huge Russian-Ukrainian criminal organization known as the Khimprom drug cartel.

Leaders of the Khimprom organized crime group Egor Burkin, Andrey Amirkhanyan-Lemishko and Alexander Shchiptsov

The Khimprom organized crime group handled tons of synthetic drugs and tens of millions of dollars, until the SBU and prosecutors took it seriously in 2019. We wrote about this (and subsequent strange events) in detail in the article “The Big Showdown of the Khimprom Drug Cartel.”

At the time when the Security Service of Ukraine put Amirkhanyan-Lemishko on the wanted list, Karina Koinash had already gone through all stages of justice from arrest to the announcement of the verdict.

Karina Koinash

Her real role in Khimprom is not completely clear. According to court documents, she was in a civil marriage with one of the leaders of the group, and several safe deposit boxes were registered in her name, where the organized crime group’s “stash” was kept.

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